Knowing The 3 Body Types

A question that does not often come up when you and your team are drawing up a weight management program is body types. Determining ones body type can help you measure out the right training program and diet plan sooner than later. This section can help you identify what body type you may fall into. 

The scientific term for body type is referred to as a Somatotype. Humans fall into 3 somatotypes (Body Types)

Now that we know the general body types (somatotypes), lets look at the definitions to better understand. 

Ectomorphs : Long and lean, with little body fat. These guys can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound due to a very high metabolism. However gaining muscle is difficult for ectomorphs. As a matter a fact most ectomorphs don't show results of high muscle definition until there late teens or even mid 20's. Ectomorphs will have to put in some work for muscle gains. A diet plan for ectomorphs is the most difficult to draw out. Ectomorphs have to follow a precise diet when cutting weight due to low body fat. 

Mesomorphs: Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells. Mesomorphs are the guys that lift weights for a couple of weeks and show immediate muscle definition. Most wrestlers fall into this category. As a matter a fact, most mesomorph are natural athletes. Some mesomorphs do have high levels of body fat. If you fall into this subcategory then you have to consistently work to maintain a healthy weight. Mesomorph body types have more flexibility when it comes to diet plans. Mesomorphs also have more flexibility when it comes to cutting weight or bulking up. 

Endomorphs: Big, high body fat, with a high tendency to store body fat. Heavyweights usually fall into this category. Another good example of an endomorph is a NFL offensive lineman. Endomorphs have to constantly manage their weight. Well trained endomorphs are monsters, but If their weight is not managed it can lead to obesity. Endomorphs have to put in some work on their diet to maintain weight. 

John Smith 2X Olympic Champion


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